In here I tried figuring out how a turn base platformer would work. It was fun figuring out interesting design problems and founding a solution to them. The world is made with a 1D Perlin noise, to create a slice of an hill pattern. The player avatar was made by me.
An attempt in creating a map generator, using Perlin noise layered on top of a cellular automata. If I would to continue this project, I would like to add an heat map as a guide in placing biomes.
I like ants, and I wanted to create a simulation of their behavior. In this simulation the bots are trying to gather food and return to the nest, using pheromones' trails.
Experiments and fun

Several mini projects where I tested ideas I found interesting at the time.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
yarin Vardimon
Game Designer Ramat Gan, Israel