World MasterCard Fashion Week : Fall 2012

We were contacted by the Fashion Design Council of Canada to provide them with art direction and strategy for Fall 2012 FashionWeek under their new sponsor, World MasterCard. Each year Robin Kay, the President of the FDCC comes up with a new and creative theme name, the theme chosen for Fall 2012 was Canadian Catwalk.

The art direction that we provided for this project showcases a clean, edgy look, with contrasting colors. The idea was to show a slight motion represented when the model reaches the end of the runway, just before she turns around, with the C representing the two C’s of Canadian Catwalk. We decided to use sever different poses with the C to ad variety and to accompany each letter of Catwalk. The seven poses gave us the liberty to create unique yet consistent advertising materials.

Print materials were published in ELLE, Fashion, Flare, Globe and Mail, Globe Style, Toronto Star and The Kit.

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Yana Tzanov
Creative Partner at TwentyNothings Toronto, Canada