ZNCH Zero Net Carbon Housing
ZNCH Zero Net Carbon Housing
ZNCH Zero Net Carbon Housing
ZNCH Zero Net Carbon Housing
ZNCH Zero Net Carbon Housing
ZNCH Zero Net Carbon Housing
ZNCH! Zero Net Carbon Housing - In this design for a multi program residential building on a dense site, I explored a form in which these technoligies would maximize their performance. The program contains a number of live work units, a large first floor retail space, and a second floor restaurant with a large outdoor courtyard.
ZNCH Zero Net Carbon Housing
ZNCH! Zero Net Carbon Housing
ZNCH! Zero Net Carbon Housing
ZNCH! Zero Net Carbon Housing
ZNCH! Zero Net Carbon Housing
ZNCH Zero Net Carbon Housing
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Carl Burdick
Designer and Project Manager with a background in architecture, industrial... Los Angeles, CA