
Design a innovative product for an handicap person.

Feel is a Concept keyboard for multiple sclerosis patients. In the sclerosis deasease, people loose their patience, their force and their posibilities to focus. In the same time, a lot of people who need constant help, stop working to be in an hospital or personal clinique center. This way, obvisously the constant social contact is lesser and the only way to keep them being update with work, news, social ntework, emails etc... is the computer.
This way we saw, working during three month being with"Juanca", a patient of Sclerosis, how the constant use of computer is important for him. Working on it, he told us that his keyboard is a big problem for him and people inside the clinique.

With the support of:
Juanca (Sclerosis multiple patient)
Josep Puig
Hansel Schloup


Shortlist of Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2013

Xavier Lopez
Industrial Design Dusseldorf, Germany