Taiwan's colors : A set of chairs designed to be build using ready made objects.
View it from the top.
These are the elements of the chair. Different plastic household appliances made in the same three colors.
Plastic benches are cut out and modified.
"Wash stone" technique are used to add weight to the bottom.
Tool used in the process.
Front view of the chair.
Front side view.
Side view.
Back view.
Used sewing methods to assemble.
Details view.
The bottom is weighted to prevent tipping over.
2014 Taipei design week.
Children playing in the chair.
People trying to guess what every day objects are used.
Old women connecting the chair with her memory.
Taiwan's Colors / 台灣三原色

Taiwan used to be called "The kingdom of plastic".Cheap plastic appliances filled our lives.But now time have changed,people in taiwan try to have better designed thing.So why not use those plastic appliances and make it tasteful?

To cut down cost ,plastic appliances are produced in three basic colors ,red,green.and blue. I collected many different items of the same color and make it work together to form a new furniture design.

Paul Yeh
Industrial Designer Taipei, Taiwan