MyBilet Web Site - MyBilet is the second largest online ticketing company in Turkey, which has hundreds of integrated Point-Of-Sale terminals and Kiosks deployed nationwide. I've re-designed the GUI interface of the web site, and done all the programming of the GUI. Site is 100% valid XHTML+CSS. Uses PHP to connect to back end system and lets the users buy tickets to any seat they want. Working Url is Turkish Language Only
Formosa Web Site - Web site for Formosa Inc. The Fastest Dictionary on Earth! - www.ç (or is a simple Turkish -English dictionary with a very unique way of use. It uses subdomains to search for words. For example if you want to search the Turkish meaning of the word "fast" all you have to do is enter "" on your address bar and hit enter. This is something I do as a non-profit personal project.
HTML Web Sites
Ugurcan Kutluoglu
Interface designer with an <em/> on usability and accessibility Ankara, Turkey