Consumer Direct Mail - Art Director: Evan Douglas Copywriter: Daniel Cobb
Business Direct Mail - Art Director: Evan Douglas Copywriter: Daniel Cobb
Consumer (Gay) Print Ad - Art Director: Evan Douglas Copywriter: Daniel Cobb
Consumer (Heterosexual) Print Ad - Art Director: Evan Douglas Copywriter: Daniel Cobb
Train Banner Ad 1 - Art Director: Evan Douglas Copywriter: Daniel Cobb
Train Banner Ad 2 - Art Director: Evan Douglas Copywriter: Daniel Cobb
Train Banner Ad 3 - Art Director: Evan Douglas Copywriter: Daniel Cobb
Business Print Ad Spread - Art Director: Evan Douglas Copywriter: Daniel Cobb
Business Print Ad - Art Director: Evan Douglas Copywriter: Daniel Cobb
Consumer Print Ad - Art Director: Evan Douglas Copywriter: Daniel Cobb This ad was created to cut out to create a paper airplane that would fold and have the logo on the wings for Southwest.
Consumer Print Ad - Art Director: Evan Douglas Copywriter: Daniel Cobb
Train Ad placed on the Ceiling - Art Director: Evan Douglas Copywriter: Daniel Cobb
(Script) "LUV Departs" Spot 1 - Art Director: Evan Douglas Copywriter: Daniel Cobb
(Storyboard) "LUV Departs" Spot 1 - Art Director: Evan Douglas Copywriter: Daniel Cobb
(Script) "LUV Separates" Spot 2 - Art Director: Evan Douglas Copywriter: Daniel Cobb
(Storyboard) "LUV Separates" Spot 2 - Art Direction: Evan Douglas Copywriter: Daniel Cobb
(Script) "LUV Connects" Spot 3 - Art Direction: Evan Douglas Copywriter: Daniel Cobb
(Storyboard) "LUV Connects" Spot 3 - Art Director: Evan Douglas Copywriter: Daniel Cobb
Southwest Airlines Advertising Campaign
Evan Douglas &...
Art Director/Copywriter Team Chicago, IL