Dada Poster - Art 326 Expressive Typography Objective: To use type expressively to amplify a message and create a compelling, impactful visual experience. The text was taken from a Dada Manifesto by Bruce Mau. I really wanted to play off the idea of the art movement dada by incorporating legos which speak to children and the idea of "baby talk."
Manifesto - Art 326 Expressive Typography Objective: To push boundaries of type's visual properties to amplify a message. Emphasis on verbal/visual synergy, where syntactic decisions reflect the semantic understanding of the text. The contents of the project was the First Things First Manifesto.
Titanic Poster - Art 225 Introduction to Graphic Design This project was about developing an original concept and design that conveys a historic event in a large format. This poster was made for PBS and Oregon Public Broadcasting. The concept was a bad mix between ice and metal which is exactly what happened in Titanic's case. Ice and Metal don't mix.
Curveball Book - Art 327 Advanced Structures This project was about comparing two different texts in one book. The texts had to visually tell a story also. We also had to print and bind the book ourself. The first text I used that you will find in the first column was The Complete Home by Julia McNair Wright in 1884. It is a household manual that answers any questions you have about your house and how to make it the best home it can be.
Curveball Book - The second text that I chose to compare to The Complete Home, was a book called Curveball by Bob Drogan in 2007. This book was about the weapons of mass destruction and how the CIA investigated and eventually found that they didn't exist in Iraq. I thought this was a good comparison because The Complete home as all about building up your home and making it comfortable. Curveball was about terrorist attracts on our homeland and overall "attacking the home."
Curveball Book - The text starts of nice and organized and then begins to fall apart as the events in Curveball start to spiral out of control. As you move through my book the text starts to take over The Complete Home and then engulfs it by the end. Curveball was the biggest mess up in CIA history. The end of the book shows the chaos and disorder that Curveball did to the US and the CIA.
School Projects
Whitney Watson
Graphic Designer Corvallis, OR