AMI promo pieces
Go-Tainer brochure - Indesign 11"x17" promo piece for Vector Movers in San Francisco.
The Great Adventure - One of several commissions for an East Coast outdoor challenges organization.
The Pecan Connection - Brochure and stationery package; all drawings done by hand.
for Unity Church of Richmond, VA - They described what they wanted and I simply illustrated their concept.
for a visual presentations company in DC - These sample are old & faded, but all I have. They asked me to design a lion for their logo. I had the gaul to sneak my initials into the lion's beard.
Cover design commissioned by the International Antiviral Society – USA (2014). I created the images of HIV viruses.
Stationery & Brochures
Whit Clifton
illustrator / graphic artist El Sobrante, CA