John's Mom - before & after
John's Dad - before and after
Anne's Mom - before & after
same photo – two clients - The truck on the left had a plain white storage container; Vector Movers of San Francisco wanted their logos and decals imposed on the photo. The truck on the right was modified to suit ServPro, who also wanted their look on the storage container and needed the cab to be white.
Swig family photo - before & after
Swig Family card commemorates Giants victory - supplied photos were cropped and warped to accommodate clipart confetti montage background.
Cook wedding photo - before & after - Bob Cook commissioned me to do something about the background of his wedding photo. We finally settled on this solution, which involved two separate background images merged as one.
exposed negative - end of film roll suffered light contamination; selective color manipulation restored a more natural appearance.
Before and after polishing up of promotional photo-portrait of Robert Landsinger, owner of "Vector…a move ahead" expert movers in San Francisco. Enhanced lighting and subtle retouches improve the overall presentation.
Photo Retouching & Manipulation
Whit Clifton
illustrator / graphic artist El Sobrante, CA