Tall Ship - Scratchboard drawing for Maritime Hall poster.
Ashby's - Old Town - pencil drawing for local clothing franchise
Betty's Abode - pen and ink drawing of a home in Richmond, VA.
credenza - ink and wash drawing
sofa - ink and wash drawing for local paper
pedestal table - pen and ink
Ashby's storefront - pencil drawing of facade for background in ad
pen and ink drawings - montage of unused illustrations
shades - hardline illustration featuring zipatone
Cascade graph for International Antiviral Society (IAS–USA) in San Francisco
Concept map for IAS–USA in San Francisco
Insurance pie charts
Maps with keys indicating levels of disease, for IAS–USA in San Francisco
HIV and vulnerable membrane — for Topics in Antiviral Medicine®
Blocking HIV — for Topics in Antiviral Medicine® magazine
Antiretroviral Therapy strategies for HIV — for Dr. Michael Saag and IAS–USA
HIV virus – cutaway (2013) Created for the International Antiviral Society – USA in San Francisco ©2013 IAS–USA
Whit Clifton
illustrator / graphic artist El Sobrante, CA