Practice What U Pray (1977) - My first use of the two people praying (in profile) forming the shape of a peace symbol in a holiday ornament.
Son of Man (1981) - As I understand it, Jesus often responded to the question "Are you the Son of God?" by replying "I am the Son of Man." I thought that would be an appropriate title for this image I made based on experiments Bell Laboratories were doing in the mid-seventies trying to determine the minimal amount of visual information necessary from which a recognizable image could be discerned. DIfficult to make sense of close up, it becomes clearer viewed from a distance.
Christmas & Greeting Cards - this one was meant to be mind bending but the disastrous printing job pretty much ruined it.
Practice What U Pray (1984) - The second generation of my two-people-praying-for peace theme.
The Absence of Harmony (1987) - An effort to out-Dali the surrealist painter.
Aries (1984) - One of a series of astrological greeting cards for Insight Creations.
Christ Was Born for This (1998) - An Easter theme (of sorts) for a solemn Christmas.
Full Metal Stocking (2003) - Themed to reflect the war in Iraq.
Have a Cool Yule (1985) - An effort at a light hearted holiday card for Insight Creations.
'Head of Christ' after Rembrandt (1988) - painting commissioned by Betty Hunter-Clapp
HO! HO! HO! (1999) - an attempt to do an uncontroversial card for a change.
Immaculate Conception (1976) - A twist on the theme…the spirit of God visits the womb to create an infant destined to become Jesus.
Joy to the World (1991) - A duotone intended to reflect current events of the day, including the Gulf War.
Love (1978) - In a twist on the old candelabra illusion, two people exalt the glory of love.
Marked (1980) - Reflecting on the fate of Jesus, marked even before birth.
Merry Quakemess! (1989) - A paste-up field-day commemorating the '89 earth tremor in San Francisco.
Pisces (1984) - A slightly Escher-esque design for Insight Creations.
Predestination (1983) - Egg, Swan, and Pond
The Spirit of Christmas (1992) - some light-hearted sarcasm for the holidays (from the days before computers made this sort of thing easy).
Waiting and Wondering (1986) - the old one is waiting for a miracle, wondering if and when it will come (for Insight Creations)
Montage with Disappearing Portrait (2002) - This design was later used for a poster by Annie Rothgeb, Communications Director, Church of the Apostles.
Rosebud (2004) - alluding to the film classic 'Citizen Cane' and its underlying theme: the things we most dearly year for …so often prove prove to be the ones that get away.
Imagine (2008) - a not very subliminal suggestion.
Peace on Earth (2007) - A dove rides the nocturnal earth toward a yuletide portal, containing an image that consists of a spiral galaxy (M83) similar to our own MIlky Way juxtaposed with the atoms that form a platinum crystal (photographed with a field ion microscope)
"The Sleep of the Infant Jesus" (2014) A colored pencil rendering of my favorite Madonna and Child painting by Bernardino Luini (detail) for use as a Christmas card.
"Do You See What I See?" (2016) Another holiday design posing the question of whether the basket of Christmas spirit is escaping from commercialism or being drawn into it.
Homage to the Summer of Love – 2017. A nod to cosmic artist Peter Max and to the 'Summer of Love' in San Francisco 50 years ago.
Christmas & Greeting Cards
Whit Clifton
illustrator / graphic artist El Sobrante, CA