New York Times Book Review - Illustration - Illustration
New York Times Book Review - Illustration - Illustration
New York Times Book Review - Illustration - Illustration
New York Times Book Review - Illustration - Illustration
New York Times Book Review - Illustration - Illustration
New York Times Book Review - Illustration - Illustration
New York Magazine - Cover Illustration - Illustration
New York Magazine - Illustration - Photo illustration for New York Magazine
New York Magazine - Illustration - Illustration
New York Magazine - Illustration - Illustration
New York Magazine - Illustration - Illustration
New York Magazine - Illustration - Illustration
New York Magazine - Illustration
Center for Puppetry Arts - Collateral - Collateral for Center for Puppetry Arts
Besties Album - Album
Business Card - I designed this business card for New York Tattoo Artist, Chuck Donoghue.
Snowden - CD Packaging - CD packaging for Atlanta band Snowden
Handbill for The Weight - Handbill for Brooklyn's The Weight
Wes Duvall
Designer/Illustrator Brooklyn, NY