Trimble Annual Report - Trimble wanted a bold annual report that tells the story to their shareholders about how their product impacts real lives. It needed to highlight specific product lines and highlight the humanity in the usage of their products.
No Visible Wounds Posters - Verbal abuse is a hidden trauma where the victim hides in passivity. The victim often doubts and blames themselves for the attacks. These posters were designed as a public service message to bring the inside outside and show the community the darkness and isolation they feel.
Film Festival Program Guide - Zhang Yimou’s signature showcases the tension of tragedy and struggle against a backdrop of beauty and cinematic marvel. The program for the film festival needed to tell the story in an allegory, while promoting the stories of the films themselves in a poetic manner.
American Pictorialism Book - The era of American Pictorialism is infused with a sense of elegance, beauty, and serenity. The design of the book from the selection of type and layout to the focus on photography is steeped in classical beauty while putting the photography in the limelight.
Tibetan Aid Project - Prayer Wheel Promotion
Wendy Chan
Mobile User Experience Designer Mountain View, CA