Omore_premium ice cream Poster
Chimp Rush promo Poster
Omore_Frooze_Mr bean promo poster concept
Omore Strawberry cheese cake cne poster - Posters for respective SKUs
Omore Strawberry cheesecake Cone
Pampers pakistan Father's day mag ad_2011 - Published
Omore Premium Ice cream mag_ad - magazine ad for Omore premium ice cream range. Status = published in Time, Reader Digest and various other magazines in July 2011
Ice Cream king concept - print ad concept for Omore premium Ice cream range
Avec_Amore_MAg_ad_1 - Mag_Ad_concept for Avec Amore.
Omore Premiyum ice cream Hoarding 1 - Hoarding for Omore Premiyum ice cream, Status = Printed and applied all over Pakistan
Omore_premium_hoarding_Tiramisu - Status = Printed and Applied all over Pakistan
Omore ice cream Eid OoH, 2011 - Printed and applied across Pakistan
Mr Bean Campaign Final Draw Poster
Print Design
Waqar Rasool
Creative Lead at The Game Loop karachi, Pakistan