Iam Agency Website - Client came to me needing a site that gave his company a strong presence while emphasising his desire to create a community in the music industry. Site uses html, flash, and CSS view site: www.iamagency.com
Red Shoe Records Letterhead - Red Shoe Records is a local music store that has more of a underground /independent feel to it. They offer listening parties, concerts, studio recordings, aswell as having a diverse selection of music -both mainstream and independent. I developed the logo and then applied it to the letterhead. I wanted to emphasize the fact that this store was not a chain by giving it a grittier feel hopinbg show the odd character of the store aswell.
Ad Campaign for Boylan Rootbeer - Developed Ad Campaign to introduce Boylan Rootbeer to new markets as well as reinstate its brand in markets they have already developed. Goal was to emphasize its history in the soft drink business through the look of the ad as well as the tag-line. The secondary goal was position the company with a light-hearted, tounge-in-cheek attitude that seperated Boylan from the larger soft drink companies. (school project)
A Mid Summer Night's Dream Announcement Poster - Goal of poster was to portray the storyline of Shakespeare's play in a more urban, contemporary form. (school project)