John Deere, project management as prepress supervisor - For over 6 years I worked at PBM Graphics.I did not design any of these pieces however, I did assist with ensuring each PBM job was produced to optimum quality finished piece, no matter my job responsibility. I either worked on directly via prepress and/or scanning or handled project management as 2nd shift prepress supervisor.
Sony Ericsson, prepress, scanning & project management as prepress supervisor - For over 6 years I worked at PBM Graphics.I did not design any of these pieces however, I did assist with ensuring each PBM job was produced to optimum quality finished piece, no matter my job responsibility. I either worked on directly via prepress and/or scanning or handled project management as 2nd shift prepress supervisor.
PBM Graphics Global Client Base
Wade Giddens
Advertising and Marketing Consultant Cary, NC