Townhomes: Lower level and Ground floor plans
Townhomes: Second floor and roof plans
Semi-Detached homes: Clockwise from top left: Basement plan, Ground Floor, Second Floor, Third Floor
936 Woodroffe Ave - New 7-Unit Development

Designed in 2012/2013 for Theberge Developments
Construction began in 2014
Working for: Susan D. Smith Architect

Working with the city and the neighbourhood we came up with a design that maximized the intensification potential of this piece of land while still complementing the size and character of the surrounding area.

We created 7 units: three 2,500-3,000 sq. ft. townhomes at the rear and four 2,100 sq.ft. semi-detached homes facing Woodroffe Ave. These homes are affordable, yet stylish. The new laneway takes advantage of the lot's considerable depth to allow for private access to all units.

Vanessa Worrell
Architect Ottawa, Canada