TEE Collection- designed for different time periods under the G by Guess brand.
2 TEES- designed for the holiday tee shirt table for the G by Guess Brand.
2 TEES- Currently on sale from our Back to School 2011 program.
2 TEES- (2010) Two best selling Tee examples for the G by Guess brand.
TANK Collection- designed for different time periods under the G by Guess brand.
SEASONAL TANKS- selection of 4th of July tanks (2011) and Valentines Day tanks (2011).
2 TANKS- Two tanks currently on sale from the Holiday Collection for the G by Guess brand.
G by Guess

I was the sole graphic designer for the G by Guess brand for over three years. I designed the entire graphic tee and tank program along side all over prints and other graphic elements for the collection. I designed trim and hang tags for the brand. I worked with the marketing team to layout look-book mailers and also email blasts. I worked as the brand ambassador, making sure the G by Guess identity was consistent across the visual spectrum. I learned so many valuable lessons at Guess? and was able to grow immensely as an employee and designer while I was there. Although, the task of creating new and exciting tee shirts featuring Wings every month was a challenge, it taught me to truly stretch my design skills and creativity.

Vanessa Waltz
Design & Marketing Los Angeles, CA