The story I pitched to the Prudential Leader editor to cover the hot topic of women and finance. Women had begun attaining more leadership and executive roles in corporate America, and were in a position to empower their counterparts.
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The women and finance article Part II.
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I was there during 9/11. This is my story. It was real. It was raw. it was featured in a special, double issue of The Prudential Leader.
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My first interview with a senior executive at Prudential Financial for the award-winning corporate magazine, The Prudential Leader. She enjoyed talking about her experience as much as I enjoyed writing about it.
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Part II of my first Prudential Financial spread in The Prudential Leader.
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An Adelphi alum profile of Janet Ficke. As busy as she is, she took the time to sit down with me for more than two hours, filled with hilarious anecdotes, a few tears and a glimpse into what a life of hard work and dedication looks like.
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Articles (print and web)

Some of my articles address hard hitting subjects and some are just plain fun.

Valerie Mikell
Senior Writer/Editor Queens, NY