HEY body - HEY body is a book/brochure tell you 8 stories about human body in a funny way. By using kirigami as a tool to present infographic, I aim to draw attention from my target audience -- teenagers. They think taking care o body is unnecessary and boring. By interacting with them with interesting pop-up infographic, the communication will be achieved easier and turn their opinion towards 'taking care my body' from tedious to a very cool thing to do. There are 8 topics: elements, thought, sense, food, length, speed, pressure and reaction. Each of the topic contains in a single brochure. On the cover of each brochure is a collage related to the topic. On the back there are some tips about how to treat your body related to the topic. element: what are we made of? thought: how our brain works? sense: how we feel the world? food: how we ate in 2011 and how could we eat better? length: do you know our intestine is 4.5 times than our height? speed: do you know the speed of our fart? pressure: why suicide was found most on Monday? react: how long it takes to react?
HEY body - HEY body is a book/brochure tell you 8 stories about human body in a funny way. By using kirigami as a tool to present infographic, I aim to draw attention from my target audience -- teenagers. They think taking care o body is unnecessary and boring. By interacting with them with interesting pop-up infographic, the communication will be achieved easier and turn their opinion towards 'taking care my body' from tedious to a very cool thing to do. There are 8 topics: elements, thought, sense, food, length, speed, pressure and reaction. Each of the topic contains in a single brochure. On the cover of each brochure is a collage related to the topic. On the back there are some tips about how to treat your body related to the topic. element: what are we made of? thought: how our brain works? sense: how we feel the world? food: how we ate in 2011 and how could we eat better? length: do you know our intestine is 4.5 times than our height? speed: do you know the speed of our fart? pressure: why suicide was found most on Monday? react: how long it takes to react?
HEY body - HEY body is a book/brochure tell you 8 stories about human body in a funny way. By using kirigami as a tool to present infographic, I aim to draw attention from my target audience -- teenagers. They think taking care o body is unnecessary and boring. By interacting with them with interesting pop-up infographic, the communication will be achieved easier and turn their opinion towards 'taking care my body' from tedious to a very cool thing to do. There are 8 topics: elements, thought, sense, food, length, speed, pressure and reaction. Each of the topic contains in a single brochure. On the cover of each brochure is a collage related to the topic. On the back there are some tips about how to treat your body related to the topic. element: what are we made of? thought: how our brain works? sense: how we feel the world? food: how we ate in 2011 and how could we eat better? length: do you know our intestine is 4.5 times than our height? speed: do you know the speed of our fart? pressure: why suicide was found most on Monday? react: how long it takes to react?
HEY body - HEY body is a book/brochure tell you 8 stories about human body in a funny way. By using kirigami as a tool to present infographic, I aim to draw attention from my target audience -- teenagers. They think taking care o body is unnecessary and boring. By interacting with them with interesting pop-up infographic, the communication will be achieved easier and turn their opinion towards 'taking care my body' from tedious to a very cool thing to do. There are 8 topics: elements, thought, sense, food, length, speed, pressure and reaction. Each of the topic contains in a single brochure. On the cover of each brochure is a collage related to the topic. On the back there are some tips about how to treat your body related to the topic. element: what are we made of? thought: how our brain works? sense: how we feel the world? food: how we ate in 2011 and how could we eat better? length: do you know our intestine is 4.5 times than our height? speed: do you know the speed of our fart? pressure: why suicide was found most on Monday? react: how long it takes to react?
HEY body
Vivi Feng
Intern at Pentagram Brooklyn, NY