Location Plan
Sitting Area
Exhibition Area
Waiting Area (Opera & Tea House)
Learning Center
Opera & Tea House
Elevation A
Elevation B
Section AA
Section BB CC DD
Ground Floor Furniture Layout Plan
First Floor Furniture Layout Plan
Proposed Cantonese Opera Center (XIQU Center)

XiQu means Opera show. XiQu Center is a Cantonese Opera Center located at Jalan Tun Sambathan.

This Project designed a platform where we can have connection with the people who knowledgeable in the culture. People can share the knowledge and continue bring it to the next generation. There are a lot hidden gem culture around us are fading away. Thus, an education and promote about the traditional culture to the public is our priority. This cultural center is also designed to bridge the generation gap between the old and the young. Many misunderstood and conflict has create a scenario of younger generation does not interested to their own culture. Thus, having this culture center, people have the proper way to stay connection and also learn the traditional culture that we almost letting it go.

This is to create awareness of public toward traditional culture and to be connected with each other.

Vivian See
Interior Architect Batu Caves, Malaysia