Electrocutor - U.V. light based insect electrocutor restyled to suit home decors and office spaces.
Eggsoskeleton, head gear for coal mine workers - inspired for the egg, the eggsoskeleton ensures safety of the miner, reduces the work induced msd's of neck and back, and also gives the miner a clean micro environment.
Stallion - Workshop Bench Drill Machine - A bench drill machine modified for encountering less accidents arising during changing operational speeds and was restyled to shift a little from the conventional rigid look to more sleek.
LG artistic monitor skin - Indianized skin for the monitor designed in team with Dr. Koshy, Nishant Sharma, Poornima Vaidynathan and Aditi Kasliwal
LG Fantasy Monitors - LG monitor Surface Graphics, on themes Cosmic and Jaipur Blue pottery, for LG and ICSID Competition, in team with Dr. Darlie Koshy, Payal Machave, Ashok Mondol and Siddhartha Rane Blue pottery art was done by Lallulal Komavat, an artisan from Jaipur
Product design
Vivek Amberkar
Product Design reinforced by Engineering Mumbai, India