Pemalang Mosque
Pemalang Mosque Competition
Held by Semarang district government
Year : 2016
Status : Undelivered
Team :
1. Dennis Cahya Indra
2. Raynaldo Theodore
Jury :
1. Ir. Satrio Nugroho, MSi.,IAI.,GP
2. Titien Woro Murtini, Ir.,MSA.,DR.
3. Ahmad Sarwadi, Ir.,M.Eng.,DR.Eng
4. KH. Abdullah Mazduqi,
5. Drs. Ujianto Mugo Raharjo, SH
This is my first attempt in National Competition, this project was made in 2 days, Me and Dennis were supported by our seniors Raynaldo Theodore. We try to create a new exploration through spatial space inside the mosque,a simple floating box form gives a light and grand character into the mosque.