Nancy School of Architecture - Semestrial posters
70 x 31 cm
Impressions of Architecture 2004 - Event
40 x 60 cm
Impressions of Architecture 2006 - Event
40 x 60 cm
Nancy School of Architecture - Semestrial posters
70 x 31 cm
Think again - created for the Association La Premiere Rue, an international center of contemporary art and architecture.The poster is created with only the letters derived from the two words: "think again"
Nancy School of Architecture
Briey sessions - announcement of international conferences
Soap Opera - Pop rock
Poster: 40 x 60 cm
Bauhaus Dessau - 2002 - Exhibition "Mies van der Rohe in Postwar Germany"
Poster: 59 x 84 cm
Liengme Swiss Precision - New identity and cover of a corporate brochure
of a Swiss precision Micro mechanic company.
>ARCHITECTURE, VILLE ET CINEMA< - Promotion for a film festival specific to architecture, the city, and cinema