How it's used - My idea for this project began when I started to seriously consider the impact I had on my environment and resources. I found that I wasted so much fresh, drinkable water, just to transport my waste- waste which could easily become useful! Through the natural process of composting, feces can become safe, effective fertilizer for gardens.
form sketching - My idea for this project began when I started to seriously consider the impact I had on my environment and resources. I found that I wasted so much fresh, drinkable water, just to transport my waste- waste which could easily become useful! Through the natural process of composting, feces can become safe, effective fertilizer for gardens.
form sketching - My idea for this project began when I started to seriously consider the impact I had on my environment and resources. I found that I wasted so much fresh, drinkable water, just to transport my waste- waste which could easily become useful! Through the natural process of composting, feces can become safe, effective fertilizer for gardens.
preliminary concept - My idea for this project began when I started to seriously consider the impact I had on my environment and resources. I found that I wasted so much fresh, drinkable water, just to transport my waste- waste which could easily become useful! Through the natural process of composting, feces can become safe, effective fertilizer for gardens.
preliminary concept - My idea for this project began when I started to seriously consider the impact I had on my environment and resources. I found that I wasted so much fresh, drinkable water, just to transport my waste- waste which could easily become useful! Through the natural process of composting, feces can become safe, effective fertilizer for gardens.
preliminary concept - My idea for this project began when I started to seriously consider the impact I had on my environment and resources. I found that I wasted so much fresh, drinkable water, just to transport my waste- waste which could easily become useful! Through the natural process of composting, feces can become safe, effective fertilizer for gardens.
technical drawings - My idea for this project began when I started to seriously consider the impact I had on my environment and resources. I found that I wasted so much fresh, drinkable water, just to transport my waste- waste which could easily become useful! Through the natural process of composting, feces can become safe, effective fertilizer for gardens.
Composting toilet - This design makes environmentally-conscious living easy, beautiful, and more accessible.
Composting Toilet
Emily Vislocky
Industrial Design • Digital Advertising • Promotions Portland, OR