Nomadic Pressure huts will stand tall even amidst nature’s fury

Design Status:
Still a concept, these hexagonal shelters have a long way to go before they hit the market.

Covering all sorts of shelter options conceptualized by various designers, I have realized that the most vital and basic feature is the need for roofed space. Designer Fabian Virviescas has focused on the same need, sans any frills. Calling his creations Nomadic Pressures, he has shaped them in hexagonal huts that are mounted on wheels. The pylons attached to the wheels help to raise these shelters off the ground. Rendering stability on irregular surfaces, it is an ideal setup for places that are susceptible to regular flooding. The aerodynamic shaped structure, stands up sturdily as the roof and walls are made of flexible PVC material that is highly resistant to all kind of harsh environment.

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Fabian Virviescas
industrial designer BOGOTA, Colombia