HIV Awareness - A ad campaign made on HIV Awareness.. Its a solo project done as my Advt. Class project. Every thing in the ad campaign was created right from the NGO name Logo, visualising, Layouting, image correction etc. The copy written in the ad was taken from
HIV Awareness -2 - A ad campaign made on HIV Awareness.. Its a solo project done as my Advt. Class project. Every thing in the ad campaign was created right from the NGO name Logo, visualising, Layouting, image correction etc. The copy written in the ad was taken from
Jewelary Ad - A ad campaign made on a new range of Jewelary. Its a solo project done as my Advt. Class project. Every thing in the ad campaign was created right from the product name name (Opium) , Logo, the baseline visualising, Layouting, image correction etc.
Jewelary ad campaign - A ad campaign made on a new range of Jewelary. Its a solo project done as my Advt. Class project. Every thing in the ad campaign was created right from the product name name (Opium) , Logo, the baseline visualising, Layouting, image correction etc.
Websites - These are some of my latest websites done. the first 2 are for the company which am working as a consultant and the other one is a freelance project for SBI which is a outsourced project.
Bahman Holidays- (yet to come)
Independece Day Card
Vipin Karanath
Web & Graphic Designer - Visualiser and Designer Mumbai, India