The KING - Elvis Presley - The KING
Dick Tracy - illustration from first year college
Face Girl
Shampoo bootle - second year college
Redhead Woman - @ second year college
Porsche 911 RS - One of my favorite cars of all time
Puma - brazillian sports car with volkswagen 1600 aircooled engine
VW Camper - back in 2008. second year college. its kind a cartoon, kid draw, just for fun, done with tablet I looove volkwagens!!!
Ford T-Bucket Hot Rod - nankin pen
Ford T-Bucket Hot Rod - nankin pen
Jukebox - jukebox watercolor fiz para ilustrar a página dos pensamentos da monografia. I made this one to use at thoughts pages on college degree book.
Sons of a Beach! - this one im gonna make a sticker to put in a trunk of my car. and maybe a tshit too!! I may change SON over SonS!
Kactus angel
illustrations hand N graphic