Urban Mobility

UB project ,talks about a futuristic architecture which accepts means of transport as nimble as a leaf ,for which is inspired. The project designed offers a service of energization, cleaning and parking solution , showing,meanwhile,a more ecological scene similar to an ecological park in which the nature and the sophisticated elements are mixed to support the humankind and his trasportation. A futuristic vision that,with the aid of solar panels and luminex varnishes, is placed as glue between the man and his means of transport and the entire city. In his vision of the future possible solution, a production of renewable energy with solar panels ultra slim and flexible installed on an architecture which has the form of stems,also minimal weight and volume cars incorporated by the system as leafs on a tree; then there’s a silent sceneries wich turns the squalid parkings in beautiful metropolitans sceneries .

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Vincenzo Granata
Designer Londra, United Kingdom