Concept Design - Bionic Body Shop and Regenerative Centre

The Bionic Body Shop represents a space for the 21st Century. Its design is inspired by three key words: Innovation, Technology and Science. The design concept forms the idea of a space as an object accessible to all. The design will shift between architecture, interior design and installation art, making the space exciting and inviting for the user to inhabit and explore.
The project will plug the gap which I have identified in the market in terms of making science and technology accessible to all citizens of the future. It will be a place where the individual can go to relieve and reverse the effects and signs of ageing on the body by replacing and/or repair worn out body parts. Body tissues and organs can be regenerated and organ functions can be restored. The project encourages reinventions and improvement in medical design and welcomes the future with innovative technologies and ideas.

Victor Branco
Interior Designer-Partner & Creative Director at Atelier-Design Belfast, United Kingdom