Oh SNAP! Is a mobile and web application for Philadelphia residents who are enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to locate food distributors who provide healthy options. Fueled by the questioning how the 'Nutrition' part of SNAP can be overlooked, this app provides an interactive map as well as a nutrition tracker to promote healthy decisions without needing lots of background nutritional information.
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Philly CodeFest 2015

Philly Codefest is a two-day coding competition to transform data into real world solutions. This exciting coding marathon brings together innovative thinkers and programmers of all types. Participants organize into teams; either before arriving or during the event, and over two days build exciting new prototypes and tools. I was responsible for the marketing, brand development and presentation technician for this project.

Veronica Monteiro
Student - Product Design B.S. at Drexel University Boston, MA