SWIMWEAR - For this look, I worked in a team with another student designer. I designed all the pieces. The only piece that I did not sew or pattern was the kimono which was done by my teammate.
GENDER NEUTRAL - recieved a 2nd place Gold Thimble Design award for this category. Graphics screen-printed by me.
THEMED AVANT GARDE- The theme given to us was Los Angeles architecture. I based my design on Googie architecture that was popular in the 50s and 60s. Its main inspiration was space age futurism. An active light sign was sewn into the dress.
AVANT GARDE - I experimented a lot with this dress. I 3D printed an anatomically correct heart and sewed it to the bodice. I embedded lights within the heart, center dress and sleeves.
Gold Thimble Fashion Show

My studies at LATTC culminated with the Gold Thimble class. This is where every student must design looks for our final fashion show based on the given categories. All clothing items were designed, pattern drafted, and sewn by me (with the exception of one item).

Victoria Ortiz
Apparel Designer Los Angeles, CA