Website - Ad agency - Objective: Design & develop a corporate web site around a back-end content management system aimed at providing a new source of PR. A project management web application was also designed.
Website - Vancouver Whitecaps FC - 01 - Objective: Design & develop a high-profile website with a back-end content management system aimed at creating a sense of professionalism, awareness and to drive more ticket sales.
Website - Vancouver Whitecaps FC - 02 - Objective: Design & develop a high-profile website with a back-end content management system aimed at creating a sense of professionalism, awareness and to drive more ticket sales.
Website - Objective: Design a website that will bring sex appeal and an organic feeling to a health foods brand.
Website - Objective: Design & develop a corporate web site aimed at providing a new source of PR.
Website - Objective: Develop 2 dynamic web sites that cater complimentary services to similar target demographics complete with a hospital locator engine and back-end content management capabilities.
Website - Objective: Design a web site that showcases the client's products as well as providing a robust, secure support area complete with member login and back-end content management capabilities.
Guy Lepage
President/Creative Director Vancouver, BC