SNUG* When someone special goes - something special stays - This was an 'old' RSA set concept brief (2005) investigating the possibility of cognitive (self aware) systems bringing comfort to the future general public. SNUG* is an AI product that detects when someone is feeling sad, informs their partner and then when prompted, comforts with hugs and warm massages.
SNUG* - Scenario
SNUG - Action
SUMI - Sustainality product to promote aspects of green design and shows that even the most 'everyday item' can have two lifes. MA project (2005).
REVEAL - Wall light concept - REVEAL is a contemporary wall light that takes its influence from the sense of curiosity. When a new object is discovered, it is our natural drive to investigate it and satisfy our curiosity. REVEAL takes advantage of inquisitive natures and offers a playful interaction that is rarely seen in today’s lighting market. This wall light uses the cultural stereotype of a zip (which irresistibly has to be pulled!) to encourage user interaction.
Uni work
Sean Ventress
Snr Design Engineer Bristol, United Kingdom