Shine Toothbrush Design

The design was simplified and the color choice was reduced from 3 to 2 in order to emphasize the personal use perception. The brush handle displays an intense area coloring which facilitates the identification of the user and the elastomer used in this part provides antislip features.
The handle angled form of the brush which is widening facilitates the stopper function of the thumb and the grip of the palm, hence providing correct ergonomics to the product. The surface of the handle back was carved from place to place in order to secure more powerful antislip and to reduce the weight.
The small brush head and the thin neck provide an elegant look but also facilitate handling the movement of the brush in the mouth. The three long brush rows on the head provide access between the teeth and, hence, an ideal teeth cleaning

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Serhan Guzelderen
Design Director at designVENA istanbul, Turkey