Toolbar Download Page - Daily Finance - Another example of theme implementation, built onto a template that I created. As shown here, any designer can easily create a unique, themed download page with very little turnaround time.
Toolbar Download Page - Fanhouse - Another example of themes using the standard toolbar download template.
Toolbar Download Page - Moviefone - Another example of themes using the standard toolbar download template.
Toolbar Download Page - AIM 09 - Another example of themes using the standard toolbar download template.
Toolbars - This is merely a subsection of the toolbars we have launched in 15 months time. We significantly reduced time-to-market and cost, while increasing reliability due in large to my efforts in standardizing and streamlining our build process. The diverse theming capability is evident, and we can produce a highly unique toolbar in 1 day. Our revenue for 2008 is slightly over $50 million, and we are on track to beat that for 2009.
AOL News Main 2004 - Final main page design. This was also AOL's first venture into HTML, a big departure from our walled garden FDO publishing system. This would prove to be the template in which all other channels were designed and built after. Photohop - Art Direction
AOL Business Main 2004 - The finance and business hub for AOL News.
AOL News Entertainment Main 2004 - The entertainment for AOL News.
AOL News Main 2006 - An evolution of the 2005 design. Design - Art Direction
Daily Pulse - Record Gas Prices - In this example, we used a Flash Module I created that could cycle through comments from our users, in this case regarding Gas Prices. Photoshop - Flash - Art Direction
Daily Pulse - London Terror Attacks - This was a package that we created through the night and early morning to cover the terror attacks in London. Traffic broke all previous records. Art Direction
Daily Pulse - King of All Media - This was an early version of our fledgling Daily Pulse franchise. Daily Pulse went on to be AOL's number one franchise, with daily traffic regularly reaching over 1 million hits. The unique delivery of highly topical content proved to be a mega hit with our audience. As they read the article, they also took quizzes, polls, watched video clips, and flipped thru galleries. It was highly regarded as an effective, advanced way of delivering relevant content each and every day. Art Direction
Daily Pulse - Katrina Coverage - Another package where we put all our modules to use, to deliver as much relevant content as we could to keep our audience informed of the crisis. Art Direction
Multimedia Feature Package (Cont.) - Live streaming State of the Union address in 2006. This package broke all previous streaming traffic records, service-wide to date. Art Direction
AOL News - Multimedia Feature Packages - AOL News also opened up paths in presenting our audiences with full multimedia packages (using Key Experiences Flash Publishing Systems). Photoshop - Art Direction
War on Iraq Feature Package Concept - AOL News coverage of the war, although this version would never see the light of day :)
Elections Package Main - I art directed, designed and delivered a fully featured elections website, complete with flash based polls, quizzes, blogs, promos and multimedia widgets. Photoshop - Flash - Art Direction
AOL Elections 04 - Results - This was the hub in which we provided all the election results as they came in from around the country.
AOL Elections Press Pass - My team was tasked with delivering a design for a live poll and commentary feature package, during the 04 presidential debates.
The Next Top Anchor - Early concept for AOL News contest.
SI Swimsuit Feature Package - Yearly package for the famed SI Swimsuit edition...
Custom AIM Tunes for Dell - Partner version (Dell) of the AIM Tunes product.
AIM Tunes 07 - Streaming peer to peer music player, using the Open AIM platform. Photoshop - CSS - Flash/Flex
AIM Buddy Map Concept - Geomapping feature for AIM members and their buddies, using Open AIM and the Mapquest mapping platform.
AOL Specific
Vee Susatijo
Interactive Art Director Ashburn, VA