BRIEF: This is a cubical satellite that I designed. In the coming phase, I am going to test this design for thermal and loading stresses. We also have 3 other designs available and running them through the same simulations, we are going to decide which design is the best. Next, we are going to CNC it and 3D print the others to display at IMAGINE R.I.T. 2017.
Undeformed and deformed model of the cubical satellite due to loading stress. The railings are subjected to 70N of downward force. The whole system is analyzed on ANSYS Workbench in the "static structural" subsystem.
Undeformed and deformed model of the cubical satellite due to thermal stress. One side of the satellite is subjected to a temperature of 50*C and the other side is subjected to a temperature of -30*C. This phenomenon is actually observed in space.
Design of a cubical satellite (R.I.T Space Exploration).

I am curretly designing the skeleton of CubeSat.
Moreover, I am leading simulation team to simulate the CubeSat in ANSYS which will be experiencing high temperature on one face while a lower temperature on the other.

We are also going to 3D print and manufacture the whole CubeSat with the help of CNC.

This work will be presented in IMAGINE R.I.T. fest.

Varun Bhalerao
Mechanical engineering graduate student Rochester, NY