Conceptual Design of The HexaPanels Installation
HexaPanels @UPH Festival 2011

HexaPanels - Workshop and Installation Project on Digital Fabrication


Computational Design and Digital Fab Consultants :
- Formologix Lab,
- FormOperation

Host/Organizer :
Dept. Architecture | UPH
UPH Fest. Organizer

HexaPanels team:
- Amanda Gracia
- Addi Darmawan
- Davina Nathania
- Frederick Tjandradjadja
- Gloria
- Ivan Billy
- Jerry Ferdinand Kambey
- Prajna Mudita
- Ruth Mega Sari
- Tanya P Utomo
- Tatyana Kusumo
- Vina Oliviana Kencana
- Xenia Sabina Lembono
Widji Printing

for such a great collaboration. We’re looking forward for our next collaborative project.

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