Material Stories - Driving Design with Material Inspiration - Material Stories is where industrial designer Arnold van Bezooyen works and writes at the interface of materials and design. -- [more information visit]
Heineken International - sensorial marketing - Product and communication concepts exploring opportunities of 'sensorial marketing' for Heineken. -- Proposal: Interactive ring (placed on the neck of the beer-bottle) that rings/jingles when toasting. Effect: Toasting-sound with an extra dimension (ring tones), making it more personal and fun. [current activities under]
Material Explorer - Material Selection in Design - Image: Visualization of a materials selection walk through (referring to cycles of ideation - learning by doing). -- Masters Project - "Material Explorer : material selection support tool for designers" Commercalized by Materia (2005) under Top nominated for the INDEX: AWARD (2005) -- [more information at project website]
Poshet Daily - Urban Communication Concept (Istanbul) - Read 'Poshet' (Turkish) for bag and 'Daily' for fresh information. A simple bag is turned into a daily messenger with local news/advertising using people as distribution network. Designed as 'ping bags' they will also provide insight in the information flows in the streets of Istanbul. Soon everybody will say: "Nerede Poshet orada Haber" ("Where is the Poshet there is the News"). -- [more information under]
Aart van Bezooyen
Owner, Material Stories Hamburg, Germany