The Last Night at Playmates Toys Inc. - This cartoon I drew following the un-for-seen budget cut at my job, which ended my employment at Playmates Toys Inc. I had been working late into the night until 11:30PM when I got kicked off the computers; they reset for back up of a days work. I returned to work at 8:00AM the next day, I found by 12:30 PM that day, I no longer had a job and lost two people to death. To handle the grief, I drew a cartoon where my imagery and feelings could bring peace to my shock and release them onto paper.
All Christmas - Christmas Seasonal Images
Cartoon Ideas - Various cartoon sketches I created for a variety of reasons to amuse my mind...
Cartoon Ideas - Various cartoon sketches I created for a variety of reasons to amuse my mind...
Cartoon Ideas - Various cartoon sketches I created for a variety of reasons to amuse my mind...
Cartoon Ideas - Various cartoon sketches I created for a variety of reasons to amuse my mind...
Cartoon Ideas - Various cartoon sketches I created for a variety of reasons to amuse my mind...
Cartoon Ideas - Various cartoon sketches I created for a variety of reasons to amuse my mind...
Cartoon Ideas - Various cartoon sketches I created for a variety of reasons to amuse my mind...
Drawings I made for interview concept consideration, for protect, a comic book to be published in time for Comic Con 2013 (
Drawings I made for interview concept consideration, for protect, a comic book to be published in time for Comic Con 2013 (
Drawings I made for interview concept consideration, for protect, a comic book to be published in time for Comic Con 2013 (
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Freelance, Full-time
JP Denyer
Fine Artist & Creative Director Port Hueneme, CA