Entire product redesign, including interior and many ancillaries and online learning courseware. This was my third redesign of this title and program. The book is created for very new users of Microsoft Office. The simple colors of an office city skyline is a great way to make this product stand out for the particular beginning learner. The other first draft concepts are attached here as well as the new theme logo for Guidelines for Healthy Living magazine, used in the Microsoft applications for projects.

Entire product redesign, including interior and many ancillaries and online learning courseware. This was my third redesign of this title and program. The book is created for very new users of Microsoft Office. The simple colors of an office city skyline is a great way to make this product stand out for the particular beginning learner. The other first draft concepts are attached here as well as the new theme logo for Guidelines for Healthy Living magazine, used in the Microsoft applications for projects.