Found/Made Type Calendar
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Found/Made Type Calendar
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Found/Made Type Calendar
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Found/Made Type Calendar
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Found/Made Type Calendar
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Found/Made Type Calendar
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New Media
graphic banner for website
graphic badge for website
graphic badge for website
"Inchworm Toys" Logo Tag
Water Bottle Advertisement
Water Bottle Advertisement
Logo and Logotype - Made brand and logotype. Made on Adobe Illustrator.
Version 2 Verbla logo - Illustrator
Wanted Poster - Poster using illustrator and photoshop.
Chocolatte - Invented chocolate bar concept, logo and packaging. Made in Adobe Illustrator.
Chocolatte Logo - Made logo and name for candy bar. Made in Adobe Illustrator.
Advertisement for Chocolatte - Advertisement made in Adobe Illustrator.
Timeline For Hofstra University Museum Exhibit - Timeline on Adobe Illustrator.
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GJ Ranch Jacket Design - Jacket design for North Dakota ranch done on Illustrator.
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Back of Jacket for GJ Ranch - Jacket design for North Dakota ranch done on Illustrator.
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Valerie Rogers
Assistant Merchant Quincy, MA