Automotive Design Workshop - The workshop was organized by CIDIM (International Center of Design and Innovation Mexico) and had as a guest speaker Dipl. Industrial Designer Marco Troiero, VW automotive designer. The workshop design problem focused on urban mobility.
Automotive Design Workshop - The workshop was organized by CIDIM (International Center of Design and Innovation Mexico) and had as a guest speaker Dipl. Industrial Designer Marco Troiero, VW automotive designer. The workshop design problem focused on urban mobility.
Automotive Design Workshop, Concept Idea - The workshop was organized by CIDIM (International Center of Design and Innnovation Mexico) and had as a guest speaker Dipl. Industrial Designer Marco Troiero, VW automotive designer. The workshop design problem focused on urban mobility.
Industrial Design & Product Development
Andrea Valeria Mendoza
Designer, MS Product Development, MMT Brand Andtiministration and Management Mexico DF, Mexico