Live shot of product on a Surface Pro tablet
User login and study selection
"Chartroom" screen. Designed to emulate real-life clinician workflows. Patient charts can be checked out/in (downloaded) and versioned.
A screened patient chart has been "checked out" along with four visit forms to be completed by the clinician/patient.
Inside the patient chart. Forms are available to be viewed or worked on.
A for in "read-only" mode.
The same form now in "edit" mode allowing the user to write in the form with the stylus and convert into standardized data items. The user can also write notes outside the form components.
Sketching out the chartroom and related elements
Building out from sketches into Axure wireframes
Initial visual/wireframe tests on a Windows tablet.
Clinical Trial Studies App

Aimed at collecting clinical study data, this app was designed to emulate the simplicity of paper on an electronic tablet. The system converts written numbers, selected dates, and pen selects into standardized data items. This complex system underwent a major overhaul focusing on usability, user interface, performance optimization and scalability.

Process included: Stakeholder Interviews, Requirement Gathering, Design Ideation, SME Consultation, Formative Testing

Freelance, Full-time
Dayton Schlosser
Principal UX Designer Melrose, MA