Split - Found type was used to illustrate certain words in a composition. The compositions are made without the computer, by cutting and pasting, with some help from the photocopier. Learning: *Working with found type. *Creating a composition with the found type.
Factory - Found type was used to illustrate certain words in a composition. The compositions are made without the computer, by cutting and pasting, with some help from the photocopier. Learning: *Working with found type. *Creating a composition with the found type.
Stretch - Found type was used to illustrate certain words in a composition. The compositions are made without the computer, by cutting and pasting, with some help from the photocopier. Learning: *Working with found type. *Creating a composition with the found type.
Minimal - Found type was used to illustrate certain words in a composition. The compositions are made without the computer, by cutting and pasting, with some help from the photocopier. Learning: *Working with found type. *Creating a composition with the found type. *Incorporating image with the text.
Plural - Found type was used to illustrate certain words in a composition. The compositions are made without the computer, by cutting and pasting, with some help from the photocopier. Learning: *Working with found type. *Creating a composition with the found type.
Cling - Adding life to a word and incorporating image with a word. Learning: *Giving character to type. *Incorporating images with letters.