A dead chrysanthemum And yet - isn't there still something Remaining in it? #Kyoshi Takahama
Before the white chrysanthemum The scissors hesitate a moment. #Yosa Buson
Over the wintry forest, Winds howl in rage With no leaves to blow. #Natsume Soseki
The usually hateful crow: He, too - this morning, On the snow! #Yosa Buson
Deep in dark forest A woodcutter's dull axe talking... And a woodcutter. #Yosa Buson
Now in sad autumn As I take my darkening path A solitary bird #Matsuo Basho
It is the head of the dragon That I killed in dream, just now, When I fell asleep. #Wu Cheng En

Illustrated Haiku Poems

I enjoy reading the Japanese poetry, haiku, and one day I decided to illustrate some of my favorites. I admire haiku for its simplicity and fullness. Moreover I have got a rich experience working on these illustrations, which have helped me evolve as a designer and illustrator. The process of doing something in different way, by not copying myself, is very engrossing.

This small illustrated book is self initiated project that invokes to explore and appreciate the subtle beauty of haiku poetry. Each illustration is inspired by one of an accompany poem. My aim was to make a visual interpretation of each poem, as well as to create a dialog between two visual forms of communication: poem and illustration.

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Jura Afanasjevs
Multidisciplinary Designer Dublin, Ireland