Affinity Bracelet

Proyecto finalista Concurso Lelo undesign.

The Affinity Bracelet by Spanish designer Andreu Escriva` is an attempt to bridge social gaps.

The design made the short list for the 2014 Undesign Awards, a competition that challenges designers to unlearn design conventions and conceptualize something original. It’s time to get closer again."

The affinity bracelet offers strangers the opportunity to meet and get to know each other based on their personal and professional interests. Users simply enter their information via computer, and the data is then communicated to nearby wearers. If these users happen to intersect on the street, the bracelet vibrates, letting both parties know the other's name, hobbies and the shared affinity percentage of the union. Cue the magic of friendship.

Andreu Escrivà
Industrial design engineer Rafelcofer, Spain