Van Gogh Designs New Collection Promotion - Promotions for a new way of customizing and purchasing a contemporary line of furniture.

Megapro Re-brand - Re-branded marketing materials including the catalog, hang tags, counter displays, tradeshow banners with new visual direction

BC Sardine Fest 2005! - The BC Sardine Association held it's first festival in Steveston, Richmond in 2005. I created the visuals for the successful outdoor event. Posters, postcards and brochures led people to the event. Signage and the tradeshow banners were present at tables and aprons were designed for cooking demonstrations.

BC Sardine Association Tradeshow Banners - The BC Sardine Association promotes itself at tradeshows nationally and internationally. There tradeshow banners emphasized Canadian Sardines from the Pacific Ocean.

Big Brothers and Big Sisters Fundraiser - Poster and e-vite for the annual 2010 fundraising gala themed Heroes and Villains.

Jazz Cyclist Demo Poster - A poster stating the time and date when the Jazz sponsored Cycling team will provide samples of the tasty Jazz apple at a wholefoods grocery. An Enza brand distributed through Oppenheimer

Market Fresh Produce Stationary - A redesign in 2007 of the letterhead, business cards and envelopes for Market Fresh Produce.

Real Estate Business Card & Note pad

Stationary - Letterhead, envelope and business card design

Citrus Trade Presenter - An extensive informational letter sized brochure on the citrus varieties the Oppenheimer group offers to US and Canadian retail supermarkets from growers in USA, Chile, Peru, Morocco, Spain and Australia. Designed layout and used existing stock photography.

Campaign Brochure 2006 - Raj Sharda campaigned for the Mayor of Brampton, Ontario. The visuals for his campaign were a brochure, a lawn sign, newspaper advertisements and a website layout . His website address is www.rajsharda.ca.

Zespri Gold Kiwi Tour Invite - An invitation for Zespri's 'Kiwi Encounter' North American tour. The kiwi growers came from New Zealand to present their gold kiwis in Vancouver, Toronto, San Francisco and Boston.

Omorosa introducing Amorosa! - Oppenheimer hired the popular celebrity Omorosa to present the new variety of tomato called 'Amorosa' at the PMA tradeshow dinner. This is the invite that was sent out to customers and partners.

Houweling sustainabilty Info sheet - A single page information sheet on the sustainable initiatives, Houweling's a BC and Californian greenhouse grower, has taken in their Californian facility. As well as designing the layout I also visited the greenhouse and photographed the tomatoes on the vine.

Our Promise - Corporate Newsletter - As a large international company, Oppenheimer, produced three corporate newsletters. 'Our Promise' is a tabloid size branding piece that is printed quarterly. I retouched, manipulated and sourced photography, and designed layout.

The Word From Work - Corporate Newsletter - As a large international company, Oppenheimer, produced three corporate newsletters. 'The Word from Work' is an 8-12 page letter size newsletter that is printed quarterly. The content featured employee interviews, new employee profiles, current department news and an ongoing word from the president. I retouched, manipulated and sourced photography, and designed layout.

The Word From The Field - corporate newsletter - As a large international company, Oppenheimer, produced three corporate newsletters. The 'Word from the Field' is an 8-12 page letter size newsletter that is printed quarterly. This newsletter focused on news in the field where produce is grown including profiles of local and international growers. I retouched, manipulated and sourced photography, and designed layout.

Oppenheimer's Design Guidelines - As part of the marketing department, I worked on updating Oppenheimer's Design Guidelines. The guidelines doubled in size to accommodate the level of detail to ensure quality and consistency on the varied applications of the Oppenheimer brand. Applications varied from external and internal customers to the journey of the products from grower to consumer.

Oppenheimer Orientation Manual - Oppenheimer's human resource department created an orientation program for new employees. Working with HR I designed their 34 page Orientation Manual.

VIBC-Vancouver International Bhangra Celebration Event Program - Came in to design the layout of the Event Program. The cover art and posters based on the cover were already created by another agency. The program was for a high attended event in Vancouver, BC and was celebrating it's 5th anniversary. This piece usually is a second thought in terms of design but I was able to provide consistent layout and unique details. I have 4 spreads to show the design choices I made.

VIBC-Vancouver International Bangra Celebration

VIBC-Vancouver International Bangra Celebration

VIBC-Vancouver International Bangra Celebration

VIBC-Vancouver International Bangra Celebration

Valentine Business Gift Tag - Applying Bean Counter Financial's pre existing logo and branding to a gift tag for corporate gifts given out at Valentines.
This was a unique happening as the client had originally wanted to only use her business card as a tag. After seeing my artwork on cards she wanted to have it adapted to a gift tag.

BC Support Communities - A company focused on bridging services between businesses and consumers. Designed web banner for upcoming website and business cards.