Max as Fozzy - Picture of Max in costume. He loves Fozzy Bear. The image is Fozzy's head on his body.
Alydia before & after - Alydia's before picture compared to her after
Black Tiger Heraldry - I drew the tiger free hand and then transferred it into Photoshop and added and manipulated the image. This was a commission piece
Inverted Family Portrait - Manipulated old family photo with clear liberties taken in the artistic and creative areas.
Steam Girl Sky Pilot
Drawn in Photoshop
Three Eye Sky
Faerie Garden Majestic Purple Hat
Forest Dweller Autum Steampunk Tophat
Pin Striped & Feathered French Steam Bonnet
Satin & Spring Flowers Bloom
Faerie Waiting for the Lighting-Bug Bus - faerie on a rose bush hanging out near a brick wall waiting for the lighting - bug bus
Birdy on a Bullet Steampunk Birdcage Tophat
White Alchemy logo - White Alchemy logo I created
Graphic Art & Design
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Bonnie Scott
Daydream Live-Giver Ottawa Lake, MI